Ed Harrison Mission Nigeria is a non-governmental organization (NGO) committed to providing support and assistance to vulnerable groups in the community. Through our work, we have come to recognize the challenges faced by widows, who often struggle to provide for themselves and their families in the absence of a spouse.

Through our community outreach and engagement programs, we have been able to interact with many widows in the community, and we have seen first-hand the challenges they face. Many of these women lack access to basic services such as healthcare and education, and they often face discrimination and stigma. In addition, many are unable to find employment, leaving them with limited financial resources.

We believe that it is our responsibility as an NGO to provide support to these women and to help them rebuild their lives. That is why we have initiated a widows’ support program that is specifically designed to address the unique needs of widows in our community.

Our widows’ support program includes a range of services and support systems. We provide financial assistance to widows to help them meet their basic needs, including food, and clothing. We also offer vocational training in income-generating activities such as weaving and others so they can become self-sufficient.

In addition, we provide counseling services to help widows deal with the emotional challenges that they may face following the loss of a spouse.